Friday, December 9, 2016


Mission statement

Mission Statement

My company is to sell water ice, ice-cream and soft pretzels for everyday events, under the name "South Jersey Pretzel and Water Ice". It should appeal to wholesalers as well as someone stoping by for a quick snack. It should be modern, and classy as it is an older business thing to update with today's technology.

Friday, October 28, 2016

HW # 5

Movie posters.

I picked Indiana Jones as one of my favorite movie posters. The movie posters from this film series were all made in similar styles. They are all exciting and original. The movie poster takes you in and makes your feel like your in the movie. It uses a rustic style that makes it feel old and mysterious, just like a treasure map, and your are the one searching for the treasure that Indy is looking for.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


 No movie has had as much staying popularity as Star Wars. The movies have stood the test of time for decades. In the article on, the author shows us many remakes of movie posters and art prints that have been made in new artistic styles. My peronal favorite are the ones created by Olly Moss. His style consigned of a double exposure sillouete style of iconic characters from the film.
 In one of the posters, there is a silhouette of CP3O and a scene forum the film is shown. Also, the two moons are co3o's eyes, which I find clever.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Miley Cyrus stars in a 2016 remake of Space Balls

Princess Miley of Zelanor is trapped by evil emperor big helmet. It is up to two heroes to save her from Big Helmet's evil plan to take over the galaxy. Can they escape from big helmet's wrath? Can they save Princess Miley's home planet of Zelanor?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Designing a movie poster

In the interview, Duston satanton shares his experience in graphic design and creating movie posters.He explains many of the processes of creating his posters for his clients. In one instance he tells how he created the poster for  punch-drunk love. When creating said poster, he knew little about the movie itself, only knowing it stated Adam Sandler, making him to be more creative with the project.

He goes on to explain with every project, there is more than just one design. There are teaser  posters, DVD and blu ray designs that also need consistent designs made by the same team. With every movie poster, needs design. Making original movie posters are what is graphic designers can do. I hope one day I will have the opportunity to make a real movie posters and see them plastered onto movie theatres and the internet.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Homework #3

Homework #3

In this article, the author interviews an illustrator/designer about his prices of artwork. The artist goes on to say that the prices are inspired by many people such as Walt Disney, Mary Blair and Andy Warhol. His designs are inspired by the pop art style and uses  a "cartoony look". I enjoyed his pieces and really like the pop art style, no I am inspired to create on of my own.

Monday, September 12, 2016


The design of useful objects

The world of design is constantly changing  the way we live by  redesigning. Redesigning is the only way to create contemporary design. Many factors change the way we design things. We have to think of what's available to us. Design is also influenced by current events. For example, due to peta activists, it wouldn't be smart to design a chair with zebra skin for everyday use in a suburban neighborhood in New Jersey. Design is constant and is always changing with tastes of consumers always changing. Design is best when designed for a specific audience that makes sense and is practical and within reach for that audience. So if you designed a chair for the middle class family and expected to get $1000 a piece, you may want to reconsider the materials made to use it and make it cheaper.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

HW: How to ruin a good design

In the article, how to ruin a good design, the author describes how good designs have ruined. In London, once well designed signs were ruined by a new design that mad them hard to read, which shouldn't happen with road signs. Another ruined design were chairs that McDonalds commissioned that mocked the original design, making the original look bad. The article goes on to how companies have ruined their own recognizable logos, to lackluster designs. In my opinion, changes to recognizable designs should only be made to make it better, not to ruin them.

Friday, September 2, 2016



What is your computer experience?
I have been exposed to computers for my whole life, so i am capable of  most common programs on computers.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have been using Photoshop since my sophomore year in high school. I am knowledgeable about Photoshop, but want more practice through classes. I learned some basics about illustrator in senior year in high school, but knot as familiar as i am with Photoshop.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
 Yes i have a computer. I currently only have Photoshop.

What is your major ?
 My Major is graphic design.

What do you hope to get out of this class? 
I would like to gain more experience with good graphic design and grow in my knowledge of it.

Who is your favorite artist?
 Andy Warhol is one of my favorites, because one of my favorite art movements was the popular art movement.

Who is your favorite musician? 
 One of my favorites is Madonna.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
 I was born in California and i was born two months early.

Write a five line story?
My summer.
My summer started off with not doing much more than working.I was excited to have time off from my first year of college and no more exams. But then came in a crash that shook me up. I carried on and remained calm and carried on with my jobs. Then i was rewarded with a trip to my favorite place in the world, Disneyland.